Recent Scores:
Stephen recently scored the 32 part series "Math On Location", produced by The Futures Channel. This series explores many exciting careers that are accessible to young people with a working knowledge of math. With subjects ranging from building guitars to developing food for Mars missions the series takes students behind the scenes at work places across the country to meet individuals whose occupations are fun, exciting and important. The range of musical styles called for in the series was nearly as inspiring as the fact that the series will be an integrated part of the new Harcourt Education textbook series. (Math, grades 3 through 6)
- America's Teaching Zoo
- Ares: Building the Upper Stage
- Ares Projects: Telling the Story
- Art Director, The
- Backpack Designer
- Bakery, The
- Bats
- Black-Footed Ferret
- Building Custom Guitars
- Business of Farming
- Studying Cheetahs
- Communication Satellites
- Computer Problems
- Creating an Advertising Campaign
- Dancing to the Limit
- Digital Video Resource Library
- Doghouse
- Engineer and her Robot
- Ferret Figures
- Flights of Imagination
- Frets
- Food in Space
- Growing Bugs
- Head Chef
- Horses in Movies
- Hydroponics
- Ice Cream the Italian Way
- Inventing with Polygons
- Landscape Architects
- Lightning
- Mix and Match
- Models for Movies
- New York City Subway
- Operating a Restaurant
- Peas in a Pod
- Powering the Planet
- Recycling: Winning the War on Waste
- Recycling Computers
- Reliable Robots
- Roller Coasters
- Saving the Bald Eagle
- Shape of Phones
- Skateboard Designer
- Solar Powered Cars
- Space Architechture
- Spaceports
- Sports Photography
- Surface of Mars
- Testing Bats
- Undersea Treasure
- Viewership
- Water Geometry
- Water Supply
- What is Ares?
- Wildlife Refuge
- Windsails
- Wind Farming
- Viewership
- Composer of original scores for 50+ PBS productions.
- Recipient of 3 George Foster Peabody Awards. (composition)
- Composing and arranging credits in feature films, TV network series & specials.
- International studies in instrumental folk music. (W. Africa & Asia)
- Nonesuch Explorer Series producer
- Multi-instrumentalist/vocalist
- CD's are available on apple I-tunes, CD Baby
Original Scores on PBS:
- "Futures" with Jaime Escalante (series)
- "Futures 2" (series)
- "Living and Working in Space"
- "Math, Who Needs It?!"
- "Interactions" (series)
- "Good Morning Miss Toliver"
- "Digital Communication"
- "The Eddie Files" (series)
Composition Studies with:
- John Cage
- Lucas Foss
- Max Neuhaus
- Charles Wuronien
- Larry Austin
- Isah Hamani